Theres no safer place for my thoughts other than my head..


Some of us use it for a personal escape to share our most secret thoughts. Some of us use it to boost our self-esteem and get other people’s opinions on everyday situations. I can vouch for this, I made my blog because I felt like I wanted to be able to write my inner thoughts to help relieve some stress, secrets, and things I wouldn’t say out loud! We all have these thoughts..even if we don’t mean some of them it’s totally normal.

My boyfriend once told me he had a thought that “it would be easier to be with my ex-wife than to have this relation simply because we have kids” this is a thought that does not need to be shared and should really just of been kept to himself, or blogged, or whatever he needed to do. Don’t share them with the one person who would be affected most by a thought like this though.

This is why I wanted to blog, but even here my deepest secrets such as ones like above can’t be safe because you want to pry so deeply into what I am thinking I can’t even have this kind of space. I know you’ve somehow found this blog and may be reading this as we speak..I hope you feel like the jerk you are currently making yourself out to be, because now your no better than my father reading my diary at 18, and kicking me out in a drunk rage one night because he didn’t like what he read. I needed this place to get away from everyday life and relieve some of the thoughts that just need to be released rather than shared.

We all have thoughts.. we all have secrets.. None of mine are so great that you should worry, however some of my thoughts could hurt you such as the one you shared with me.. It still leaves a pretty sore sport in my heart in case your wondering. I don’t want to hurt you, so my suggestion is that after reading stop.. not just for my privacy, but also for your sake. Let me have this little escape. That is not asking much, and these people who read this..they don’t know me or anything other than my writing you have no reason to worry.

PS if you really are reading this..sorry about rear ending that car today in your car -_- Maybe you’ll realize just how sorry I am if you see I even made it “public” on my blog..


12 thoughts on “Theres no safer place for my thoughts other than my head..

  1. wholeproduction says:

    yeah you are right. Let me now take the liberty to apologizes for myself and anybody else who might have been prying and making inappropriate comments. I think that writing out your thoughts is a great way to express yourself with out any rules or sensor. I don’t want you to stop writing because you had a few bad experiences with people prying. I think you should write on because life is too short to keep your feelings bottled up. write on and again I am sorry.


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